Labor and Employment Law
Ca. Labor & Emp't Rev. November 2014, Volume 28, No. 6
- Labor & Employment Law Section Executive Committee 2014-2015
- Animals in the Workplace: New Accommodation for Employees with Disabilities
- Arbitrating Independent Contractor Agreements
- Cases Pending Before the California Supreme Court
- Employment Law Notes
- Improving Results in Mediation: Practical Lessons From the Science of Decision Making
- Inside the Law Review
- Introducing
- Masthead
- MCLE Self-Study: This Is Not Your Father's (or Mother's) Investigation: How Workplace Investigations Have Changed Over the Past 10 Years
- Message From the Chair
- Nlra Case Notes
- The Labor and Employment Law Section's New Executive Committee Members
- Wage and Hour Update
- Public Sector Case Notes
Public Sector Case Notes
By Stewart Weinberg & Kerianne Steele
Stewart Weinberg, a 1960 graduate of Boalt Hall, is a shareholder in Weinberg, Roger & Rosenfeld in Alameda, a union-side labor law firm. Mr. Weinberg specializes in the representation of unions and employees in the public sector. Kerianne Steele also is a shareholder in the firm. She provides general representation to labor unions, primarily in the public sector.