Member Benefit Provider/Vendor Request for Proposal

Access a PDF version of the RFP here

The California Lawyers Association (“CLA”) is the voluntary state bar association for all California Lawyers.  Launched in 2018, CLA is the result of a decision by the California Legislature to split the state’s bar. The legislation reflecting that decision resulted in the creation of CLA which now houses all the statewide voluntary professional association functions for California Lawyers[1].

Our audience of 100,000 members includes attorneys from multiple practice settings (law firms and solo practitioners; corporate, public and nonprofit sectors), 17 practice area sections, the California Young Lawyers Association and associate/affiliate members.  We thrive at the intersection of innovation and dedication—delivering high-quality programs, events, and resources and continuously seeking new ways to expand our offerings. Through premier educational and networking opportunities, our members can maintain expertise in their fields, build contacts, and uphold the legal profession and justice system.

CLA has joined forces with Cal Bar Affinity (“CBA”) to offer member benefits to CLA members via the CalBar Connect platform.   This partnership is highly unique; it allows CLA to offer quality discounts to our members and at the same time, support our commitment to access to justice by helping fund legal aid programs in California.  

The partnership also allows prospective member benefit providers to significantly extend their reach and get before 2 large and distinct audiences:   CLA members (100,000) plus all other California attorneys who are not CLA members (approximately 150,000 attorneys). 

To help us vet your product or service, please take a few moments to answer the following questions:   

  1. Please provide the following:  Name, Company, Contact Information and Website Link.  
  2. Please describe your product or service and how it will benefit lawyers and/or law firms.  Please also attach any collateral materials used to market your product or service. 
  3. What specific discounts do you propose to offer?
    1. CLA members
    2. Other California attorneys who are not CLA members

(Please note that we give preference to partners who can offer competitive rates for all licensed attorneys and a deeper exclusive discount for CLA members.)

  • What royalty, percentage of your commission or other special benefit do you propose to provide CBA/CLA as part of the member benefit agreement?
  • CBA and CLA will incur costs to market your program or service. What additional support do you intend to provide to both CBA and CLA?[2]
  • Please provide a list of all other bar associations, professional and trade associations that use your product or services and/or you have an existing affinity partnership. You may also provide testimonials.
  • Please outline any special requests you may have of CBA or CLA.
  • Please provide information regarding your portion of the market share as opposed to other competitors.

If you have any questions about the CBA, CLA or this partnership, please feel free to contact any of the partnership team listed below.   To submit a proposal, please send one email to all listed below.           

We look forward to learning more about your product or service.  

Hellen Hong, CEO
Cal Bar Affinity, Inc
180 Howard Street
Suite 1220
San Francisco, CA 94105

Business Development Team
California Lawyers Association

400 Capitol Mall Suite 650
Sacramento, CA 95814

[1] Although called the California Lawyers Association, the CLA is akin to any voluntary state bar association i.e. New York State Bar Association.

[2] Any sponsorship of CLA events or other advertising will be memorialized in a separate agreement with CLA.  

This site contains affiliate links. The proceeds we may receive from any sale helps California ChangeLawyers, CLA and the California Lawyers Foundation fund access to justice, diversity, equity and inclusion and civics engagement efforts including funding for legal aid organizations, and fellowships for law students and new lawyers.

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CLA Membership is $99 and includes one section. Additional sections are $99 each.
