Solo & Small Firm
Message from the Outgoing Section Chair
After having the opportunity of serving as chair for the Solo Small Firm section for the past two years, this is my last chair’s message for our Solo Advisor. It was a remarkable 2 years, starting normally then immediately going into complete lockdown and through an entire pandemic. I am so very proud of the SSF executive committee members for their tenacity, versatility and collaboration that allowed our section to not only persevere but be productive.
Through the past two years, not only did SSF excom members manage to continue producing all the publications, virtual programs and webinars, but the SSF section also managed to publish its book, Opening and Managing a Law Office: Go Solo, Win Clients, and Be Your Own Boss. I am eternally grateful to have had the privilege to work with these amazing volunteers throughout my terms as chair and prior.
In addition to my fellow excom members, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our section coordinator, John Buelter. After years of serving the SSF section, John is being promoted and will now be serving in a new role at CLA. While you, our members, do not hear much about the staff at CLA, John assists us volunteers with implementing everything from our publications, webinars, live programs, schedules and our meetings. John has been tireless in his devotion to excellence and our section and we are forever grateful for his service.
As I introduced in my previous message, CLA has now embarked on its new structure for membership that provides even greater benefit to its members. The Solo and Small Firm section is front and center in this new benefit structure and is extremely excited to take on this new challenge under its new incoming chair, Somita Basu. I invite you to meet our new chair and learn about her vision for the future of SSF section below.
Finally, it is fall, my favorite season. No, not because pumpkin spice shows up everywhere which I absolutely loathe (apparently the only one), but because my kids are back to school and because it’s a beautiful time of year. I know I have inundated you all with work-life balance messages for the past two years, but indulge me on this last one: please remember to take some time out to take a walk, hike, run or any activity out in the crisp fall air and crunch some fallen leaves under your feet. Thank you for the honor of allowing me to serve you my fellow solo and small firm members. We all wear many hats, but being chair was one that I am especially proud to have worn. Stay well. #WeAreSSF