Solo & Small Firm

Message from the Chair

Hello and welcome to the May, 2023 Solo Advisor.

Let me share what is happening with the Solo and Small Firm Section.

We had the committee meeting last weekend in which we discussed adding

new members to join the Executive Committee of the Solo And Small Firm Section. We are still looking for a few more applications. If you are interested, apply here: Although the CLA website states the deadline for applying is March 15, 2023, we have extended the deadline to and including May 30, 2023.

As I have said before, a real value of being a member of the Solo and Small Firm section is connecting with other lawyers. Our goal is to limit the feeling of being disconnected from colleagues. I urge you all to become involved in this legal community. Participation and collaboration will make each of us a better person and lawyer. And, by staying connected with other lawyers, you can share knowledge and resources, collaborate on cases, and even refer clients to one another. This will help you build a strong reputation in your community and prove yourself to be a trusted legal expert.

There are many ways to stay connected with other lawyers, including attending legal conferences and events, joining professional organizations, and participating in online forums and discussion groups. I hope you will consider being more active in CLA and consider joining the Executive Committee.

I want to remind everyone that this year’s Solo Summit is taking place on June 15 and 16. No travel is required as this is a virtual summit. Early Bird pricing remains available. If you do sign up, all sessions remain for 30 days after the program. So even if you are not available on June 15 or 16, you will still have access to the programming. Sign up is available on the CLA website.

Please email me any feedback to I will respond to your emails promptly. Thank you for being willing to share.

Regards, Robert M. Klein

Robert M. Klein is a partner with Deldar Legal, a firm that focuses on personal injury law. He is the chair of the California Lawyers Association Solo and Small Firm Section executive committee. He is also a long time Group Leader in ProVisors and a Group Moderator in Echelon.

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