Cal. Litig. 2016, Volume 29, Number 1
- An Overview of Asbestos Litigation in California
- Demystifying Caci
- Editor's Foreword Golden Opportunity:a Fifth California Justice
- Exhibits: Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width
- From the Section Chair a Non-Traditional Viewpoint
- Is That Your Final Judgment?
- Keeping Women in Civil Litigation Practice: Making it More Civilized
- Litigation Section Executive Committee Past Chairs
- McDermott On Demand: the Return of Dr.Arbuthnot
- Past Editors-in-Chief
- Privacy Expectations in an Era of Drones
- Table of Contents
- Temporary Judges in California Superior Courts
- Ten Ways to Increase Your Persuasion Skills
- Write Your Papers Like You Try Your Cases
- Masthead
Benjamin G. Shatz Los Angeles, Editor-in-Chief
Stan Bachrack, Ph.D. Los Angeles, Managing Editor
Sharon J. Arkin Los Angeles
Winnie Cai Goleta
Paul S. Chan Los Angeles
Thomas C. Corless Los Angeles
Kathryn M. Davis Pasadena
John Derrick Santa Barbara
Paul J. Dubow San Francisco
Justice Elizabeth A. Grimes Los Angeles
Russell Leibson San Francisco
Hon. Michael Mattice Fairfield
Justice Miguel Márquez San Jose
Thomas J. McDermott, Jr. Palm Desert
Hon. Helen E. Williams San Jose
Susan E. Anderson Wise Long Beach
Joan Wolff San Francisco
Reuben A. Ginsburg Los Angeles, Chair
Kathleen H. Brewer Westlake Village, Vice-Chair
Megan A. Lewis Sacramento, Treasurer
J. Thomas Greene San Francisco, Secretary
Carol D. Kuluva Los Angeles, Immediate Past Chair