Family Law
Family Law News 2015, Issue 4, Volume 37, No. 4
- But What About the Business? M&a Advice for Family Law Attorneys
- Commissioner Bayles-Fightmaster's Award Speech October 9, 2015
- Court Staff of the Year: Lisa Zeeb-Johnson
- Courtney TindaLl McClain Receives the State Bar of California's 2015 Court Staff Award
- Dawn Annino Receives the State Bar of California's 2015 Court Staff Award
- Dealing with Difficult People: Strategies for Effectively Assisting Challenging Court Users
- Demonstrative Evidence: Don't Cross-Examine Without It
- Family Law News Editorial Team
- Family Law Section Executive Committee
- Flexcom Affirmative Legislation Passed in 2015
- Flexcom Lifetime Achievement Award: Honoring Commissioner Louise Bayles-Fightmaster
- From Our Readers
- Innocent Spouse Relief
- Message from the Editor
- Standing Chairs and Designated Recipients of Legislation
- State Bar of California's 2015 Judicial Officer of the Year Award Bestowed Upon Honorable Maureen F. Hallahan
- Table of Contents
- Message from the Chair
Message from the Chair
Vanessa Kirker Wright
Iam excited and not a little nervous as I embark on this adventure as Chair of FLEXCOM. Fortunately, I have the support of a remarkable group of volunteers, including David Lederman as Vice-Chair and Paul Bonnar as Secretary. We are joined by fourteen other committee members and ten advisors. Together, we have our work cut out for usâand we are thrilled by the opportunity to serve.
I am in awe of the people who serve on this Committee and those who have served before me. FLEXCOM is one of the most active, relevant, and involved sections in the entire State Bar structure. Each and every committee member volunteers hours of (non-billable) time to maintain the vibrancy of our practice statewide. The section’s reputation has grown throughout the years by consistently providing quality legal education, representing the section in legislative analysis, and advancing necessary legislative changes to the Family Code. FLEXCOM maintains seventeen voting members and a small group of nonpareil advisors. The members staff the sub-committees with the help of the advisors, who provide us continuity, institutional memory, and, of course, fabulous advice. It is one of the best volunteer experiences any family law attorney could hope forâand I encourage you to apply. It is an easy processâgo to, download the form, fill it in, and send it back. FLEXCOM needs you as much as you need us.
If you cannot devote the time or haven’t the inclination to apply to FLEXCOM consider another optionâjoin a standing committee, submit an article for publication in the Family Law News, propose an educational seminar for inclusion in our on-line catalog, send us comments on pending legislation, provide us ideas on what changes you would like to see in the Family Code, send us ideas on how to increase membership, or nominate a colleague for an award. Honing your craft is only one part of your task as a professional; the other part is advancing the practice in your community. Here are some ways to help: