Family Law
Family Law News 2015, Issue 4, Volume 37, No. 4
- But What About the Business? M&a Advice for Family Law Attorneys
- Commissioner Bayles-Fightmaster's Award Speech October 9, 2015
- Court Staff of the Year: Lisa Zeeb-Johnson
- Courtney TindaLl McClain Receives the State Bar of California's 2015 Court Staff Award
- Dawn Annino Receives the State Bar of California's 2015 Court Staff Award
- Dealing with Difficult People: Strategies for Effectively Assisting Challenging Court Users
- Demonstrative Evidence: Don't Cross-Examine Without It
- Family Law News Editorial Team
- Family Law Section Executive Committee
- Flexcom Affirmative Legislation Passed in 2015
- Flexcom Lifetime Achievement Award: Honoring Commissioner Louise Bayles-Fightmaster
- From Our Readers
- Innocent Spouse Relief
- Message from the Chair
- Message from the Editor
- Standing Chairs and Designated Recipients of Legislation
- Table of Contents
- State Bar of California's 2015 Judicial Officer of the Year Award Bestowed Upon Honorable Maureen F. Hallahan
State Bar of California’s 2015 Judicial Officer of the Year Award Bestowed Upon Honorable Maureen F. Hallahan
Michele Brown
It is difficult to put into words how the Honorable Maureen Hallahan’s passion, commitment, and devotion to family law has blessed, not only the family law litigants themselves, but her colleagues amongst the bench and the bar.
Judge Hallahan has not only been a leader and strong supporter of family law in San Diego County, she has devoted countless hours of her time to improving family law through education and indigent projects across the state.
In 2007, Judge Hallahan was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and after only eight months, she was assigned to "the most challenging, yet most rewarding assignment on the bench… family law," where she has continued to tirelessly serve our family law litigants and fight for family law.