The statistics are disheartening. The ABA estimates that 400,000 lawyers in the United States are age 62 or older and that 63% of law firm partners 60 or older control at least a quarter of their firm revenue. Yet only 28% of law firms have a succession plan in place. Read more
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced those in the legal profession to transition to a virtual world in many respects. One example of this transition is conducting remote or “virtual” depositions. Given the expediency and efficiency of virtual proceedings, we are likely to see the continued use of virtual depositions after the pandemic ends. While virtual depositions present certain challenges, they are also time- and cost-effective. Read more
Technology Assisted Review (TAR), also known as predictive coding or computer-assisted review, has been defined as “[a] process for prioritizing or coding a collection of documents using a computerized system that harnesses human judgments of one or more subject matter expert(s) on a smaller set of documents and then extrapolates those judgments to the remaining document collection.” Maura R. Grossman and Gordon V. Cormack, “The Grossman-Cormack Glossary of Technology Assisted Review,” 7 Fed. Courts L. Rev. 1 (2013). Read more
Despite an historic 12-month period ravished by pandemic, political turmoil, and natural disasters, the spirit of human innovation and enterprise still managed to provide hope. Days ago, the Mars rover Perseverance and its helicopter companion Ingenuity successfully touched down in the Jezero crater on Mars. Read more
I hope you continue to stay safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. With so many distractions and reasons for anxiety swirling, and with the recent passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I am reminded of the life story of Isaac Lidsky. Read more
It was only months ago that most professional firms took the position that it was generous to offer remote working. Many looked at it as a luxury or an employee perk. Today, it is a necessity. COVID-19 has forced firms to work remotely if they want to stay alive. As part of this virtual landscape, communication is more important than ever. Read more
Subscription legal plans represent one of the greatest opportunities for growth for law firms. For those that aren’t yet familiar with legal plans, let me first start with a little history. Read more
As law firm business development consultants and trainers, we know that a potential client referred to an attorney by even the most highly regarded referral source will inevitably do an internet search. Read more
This is a very difficult time for all; however, it is important to stay positive and move forward while adjusting to a new way of working and marketing. Legal needs continue during these times, and there is no reason why you shouldn’t position yourself to be the lawyer who gets contacted and hired when a need arises. Read more