Law Practice Management & Technology
Message from the Chair
I hope you continue to stay safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. With so many distractions and reasons for anxiety swirling, and with the recent passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I am reminded of the life story of Isaac Lidsky. The author of the best selling book “Eyes Wide Open: Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities in a World That Can’t See Clearly”, Isaac made history in 2008 as the first blind person to serve as a law clerk for a Supreme Court justice, first for Sandra Day O’Connor, and then for Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Early in life he was a popular child actor; he went on to graduate from Harvard Law School magna cum laude, started and sold a multi-million dollar tech startup, and to this day holds several leadership roles and awards of distinction. As Isaac describes in his book, he has lived his life by transforming his perception of obstacles into opportunities.
In this edition of our LPMT eNews, we provide a host of resources related to how the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the legal industry. While there are certainly challenges for managing a law practice during a pandemic, there are also opportunities – to better connect with clients, to improve systems and processes, to upgrade technology, to expand your online visibility, and to develop habits of self-care, productivity, and resilience. Each article in this edition of the eNews provides practical insights into how your firm can not only overcome obstacles, but use this pandemic as an opportunity to make meaningful advancements in your firm and practice. I am proud of our LPMT executive committee for continuing to devote time towards advancing our section, when time to volunteer can be incredibly difficult to squeeze into busy days of Zoom meetings, homeschooling, and family care. I hope you enjoy this edition of the LPMT eNews, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to our leadership team if there are topics, trends, or technologies that you would find helpful for us to cover.
Stay safe and well,
Clayton Dodds
2020 Chair, LPMT Section Executive Committee