Solo & Small Firm
Message from the Section Chair
Hello, fellow Solo and Small Firm practitioners! As we enter the second quarter of 2022, we are confronted with wild weather swings (Is it spring? Is it still winter? Why is there a 100 degree day in the middle of a 70 degree week?) and a looming tax deadline. For those of us who are in fact the CFOs of our firms, this is a stressful time. Record keeping – or lack thereof – becomes a topic of intense regret and source of pain as we prepare to file our taxes. It may be too late to get a helping hand this year, but consider hiring a tax preparer for your firm taxes for your 2022 taxes. As a very recent convert, I can guarantee you that it is absolutely worth every penny. Outsource what you can!
The rest of April should be an easy downhill stroll after the 18th is all said and done. Things are starting to open back up and people are meeting in person again. Our Solo and Small Firm Executive Committee had a wonderful outdoor patio meeting at the Law Offices of Robert Klein in Los Angeles. The weather was wonderful and we had very productive discussions about how our section can continue to reach out and help solo and small firm practitioners.
If you have any ideas of what content, trainings or other support may be helpful to you, please reach out to us. We are always working to make our section a useful tool for solo and small firm practitioners throughout the state. In the meantime, enjoy the cool/warm/too hot weather and soak up some sunshine when you can. Until next month, stay focused and balanced.