Solo & Small Firm
Message from the Section Chair
We’ve all heard about the droves of employees leaving their jobs to rest, recuperate, and find their passion. As Solo and Small Firm practitioners, we don’t have the luxury of leaving a stressful job so easily. But many of you may know attorneys who have asked you for advice on how you started your solo/small firm career. The Big Law grind can be tough and the experience of the last two years has really put control of our time into focus.
Never fear – the Solo and Small Firm Section is here for all your needs. With the help of dozens of experienced practitioners throughout the state of California, the Solo and Small Firm Section has published ‘Opening and Managing A Law Office’. It’s a comprehensive guide that can help new solo and small firm attorneys will pointers and practical advise on every aspect of running your own law firm. There are sample documents included, so it’s a one stop shop for getting your firm off the ground. Copies are available for purchase on
We are now about to finish the first quarter of 2022. Time really does fly. As the weather improves across our state, I hope you can find some time to balance the unending responsibilities of law firm life with some down time. I hope you can all get some fresh air, take some deep breaths, and laugh a little (a glass of wine never hurts either). I wish you productivity, clients who appreciate your effort, and opposing counsel who aren’t unnecessarily combative. Stay well, safe, and happy.