Trusts and Estates
Ca. Trs. & Estates Quarterly 2019, Volume 25, Issue 3
- Both Attorney and Trustee: Doubling Down or a Bad Bet?
- Editorial Board
- From the Chair
- From the Editors-in-chief
- Inside this Issue:
- Litigation Alert
- MCLE Article: How To Get Rid of a Dead Body
- Tax Issues When Settling a Trust or Estate Dispute: a Guide For the Litigator
- Tips of the Trade: the Formula General Power of Appointment: Guaranteed Efficiency Between Estate Tax Planning and Income Tax Basis
- Urick V. Urick: (Re)Opening the Floodgates of Trust Contests
- Chairs of Section Subcommittees
Chairs of Section Subcommittees
The Trusts and Estates Section Executive Committee accomplishes much of its work by its subcommittees. The following are the chairs of the subcommittees of the Executive Committee for 2018-2019. Comments and suggestions concerning matters in their respective substantive areas can be directed to the chair of the subcommittee.
John M. Andersen
(805) 659-6800