Solo and Small Firm
The Practitioner Winter 2020, Volume 26, Issue 2
- Letter From the Chair
- Letter From the Editor-In-Chief
- Limiting the Scope of Representation: Times of Crisis Call for Heightened Caution
- MCLE Article: Getting Clients in the Door: How a Client Can Find the Door Even When It's Off the Beaten Path
- Table of Contents
- The Lighter Side of Networking: I Stay Top of Mind Because of My Socks
- The Minimalist Guide to Reaching the First Page of Google
- the Practitioner For Solo & Small Firms
- Three Steps to Building & Maintaining a Strong Network
- Tips for Effective Networking: Kissing Frogs on the Way to Finding Royal Referral Partners
- Executive Committee of the Solo and Small Firm Law Section 2019-2020
Executive Committee of the Solo and Small Firm Law Section 2019-2020
Sabrina L. Green, San Diego