Solo and Small Firm
The Practitioner Summer 2020, Volume 26, Issue 3
- Business Interruption Cases: Fighting For Insurance Coverage When It's Not Business As Usual
- Covid-19: the Road to Reopening for Businesses
- Editorial Committee
- Executive Committee of the Solo and Small Firm Law Section 2019-2020
- How to Hire Your First Employee
- Law Firm Growth During an Uncertain Legal Climate, Part I: How to Ethically Use of Counsel Relationships
- Letter From the Chair
- Letter From the Editor-In-Chief
- MCLE Article: the Buck Stops Here
- Table of Contents
- the Practitioner For Solo & Small Firms
- Employment E-Discovery - It's Time to Learn It Plain and Simple!
Employment E-Discovery – It’s Time to Learn It Plain and Simple!
By Sabrina L. Green
Sabrina L. Green is a managing partner of Stratton & Green, ALC and focuses on labor & employment, complex business litigation. Besides being the Chair of the California Lawyers Association Solo and Small Firm executive committee, member of the CLA Board of Representatives, she is the Attorney Coordinator for the Thomas Jefferson School of Law Employee Rights Public Clinic, member of the executive committee for the Thomas Jefferson Alumni Board of Directors, Vice President of Executive Women’s Council and a member of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Business Association of Southern California, San Diego. Sabrina can be reached at
Iknow, I know…how many articles have you seen with this caption and turned the page or kept on scrolling? Stop! No time like the present to learn. This overview will be quick and virtually painless. Whether you are on the plaintiff or defense side of an employment litigation matter (or any litigation matter), you need to be thinking about your e-discovery plan. There are by far too many attorneys that simply avoid e-discovery entirely because they do not understand it. This article seeks to provide the simple basics of e-discovery to help you and your case.