Cal. Litig. 2017, Volume 30, Number 3
- A Transitional Center: The California Supreme Court 2016 - 2017
- Editor's Foreword: The Curtain Rises for the CLA
- From the Section Chair
- Give Your Persuasive Writing A Diamond's Sparkle
- How To Lose Your Appeal During Trial
- Litigation Section Executive Committee Past Chairs
- Masthead
- MCLE Test Questions for Self-Study Test (1 hour of credit)
- Past Editors-in-Chief
- San Francisco v. Trump: Defending Our Sanctuary City
- Table of Contents
- The ABC's of the TCPA
- The Closing Statement For The Defense
- The Party Line: Gerrymandering at the Supreme Court
- Book Review of Give Us The Ballot: The Modern Struggle For Voting Rights in America by Ari Berman
Book Review of Give Us The Ballot: The Modern Struggle For Voting Rights in America by Ari Berman
Reviewed by Marc Alexander
The title of Ari Berman’s riveting book about the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and its aftermath, Give Us The Ballot, comes from words spoken by Martin Luther King Jr. in major civil rights speeches delivered at the Lincoln Memorial in 1957 and later in Selma. Dr. King also famously adopted the precept, "the arc of the moral
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universe is long, but it bends toward justice." However, in the case of voting rights for which Dr. King fought, the arc looks more like a sine wave, curving up and down. The history of voting rights in the United States is gnarly and twisted, periodically bending to political forces.