Environmental Law
Envt'l Law News Fall 2017, Vol. 26, No. 2
- 2016-2017 Environmental Law Section Executive Committee
- Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under Ceqa: Why the Questions Left Unanswered by Newhall Ranch Have Demonstrated the Need for an Update to the Ceqa Guidelines
- California's Proposed "Dredge and Fill" Program for Wetlands and Other Waters of the State
- Protecting Public Coastal Access Easements from Extinction
- Southern California's Once Groundbreaking Cap and Trade Program is Now Riding Towards the Sunset
- Table of Contents
- The Sandag Decision: How Lead Agencies Can "Stay in Step" with Law and Science in Addressing the Climate Impacts of Large-Scale Planning and Infrastructure Projects
- Vapor Intrusion: Acute Exposure Regulatory Developments and Litigation Trends
- Environmental Law News Publications Committee
Environmental Law News Publications Committee
Chair: Julia Stein
Editors: Miles Hogan, Osha Meserve, Peter Nyquist, Julia E. Stein, and William D. Wick
Official Publication of the State Bar of California, Environmental Law Section. The statements and opinions herein are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the State Bar of California, the Environmental Law Section, or any government body. Contributors are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of their articles. ©2016 The State Bar of California, Environmental Law Section.
If you would like to submit an article for publication or be a guest editor for a special topic issue, please submit a proposal to the Chair at jstein@coxcastle.com.