Environmental Law
Envt'l Law News Fall 2017, Vol. 26, No. 2
- 2016-2017 Environmental Law Section Executive Committee
- Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under Ceqa: Why the Questions Left Unanswered by Newhall Ranch Have Demonstrated the Need for an Update to the Ceqa Guidelines
- California's Proposed "Dredge and Fill" Program for Wetlands and Other Waters of the State
- Environmental Law News Publications Committee
- Protecting Public Coastal Access Easements from Extinction
- Southern California's Once Groundbreaking Cap and Trade Program is Now Riding Towards the Sunset
- The Sandag Decision: How Lead Agencies Can "Stay in Step" with Law and Science in Addressing the Climate Impacts of Large-Scale Planning and Infrastructure Projects
- Vapor Intrusion: Acute Exposure Regulatory Developments and Litigation Trends
- Table of Contents
Table of Contents
California’s Proposed "Dredge and Fill" Program for Wetlands and Other Waters of the State……………………..3
by Clark Morrison
Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under CEQA: Why the Questions Left Unanswered by Newhall Ranch Have Demonstrated the Need for an Update to the CEQA Guidelines………………………………………………7
by Martin P. Stratte and Jonathan E. Shardlow
The SANDAG Decision: How Lead Agencies Can "Stay in Step" with Law and Science in Addressing the Climate Impacts of Large-Scale Planning and Infrastructure Projects……………………………………………….17
by Janill L. Richards
Protecting Public Coastal Access Easements from Extinction………..23
by Amy Foo