International Law and Immigration

Did You Miss ILS Panels at the CLA Conference?

Surprise! Now ILS’ Around the Globe Topics are Available from CLA on Tape for CLE Credits!

image from the CLA Annual meeting conference

At our inaugural CLA Conference in San Diego, ILS sponsored a CLE program on “Leonardo Da Vinci and Cross Border Sales of Personal Property in a Cybercrime Era,” immediately after the CLA President’s breakfast, where ILS speakers Agustin Ceballos and Alexandra Darraby, and ILS Co-Chair Michael Newman, pictured, joined ILS Foreign Delegates for coffee and pastries before Ceballos and Darraby appeared on the highly attended panel.

Other CLE programs presented by ILS members at the conference included “Coming to the USA: Tax & Visa Planning” (Al Golbert), “The Nuts and Bolts of International Arbitration” (Jeff Daar), and “From Aerospace to Art – A-Z: How to Plan for Successful International Careers in the Art & Global Trade.” (Margrette Francisco).

CLA CLE programs can be found at here.

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