International Law and Immigration
ILS Enters Friendship Agreements with Foreign Bars at CLA Conference

ILS entered into CLA era Friendship Agreements with Foreign Bars at the Inaugural CLA Conference September 2018. (Pictured above) ILS, authorized by Co-Chairs Alexandra Darraby and Michael Newman, join ANADE of MEXICO, authorized by Jose Juan Mendez, to sign an agreement of mutual cooperation and respect.

Photo Caption: Marie-Adelaide Boiron and Therese Keelaghan, Marseille Delegation Leader, flank ILS Co-Chairs Michael Newman and Alexandra Darraby with ANADE Delegation leader J.J. Mendez and Malaysian Delegation Leader George Varughese stand behind Marie (George) and Alexandra (JJ), and Nguyen Van Hau, Executive Committee of the Vietnam’s Lawyer’s Association bookends the front row (left).
Foreign Delegates, many of whom were visiting the United States for the first time, to the CLA Conference from Japan, Vietnam, France (Marseille), Mexico and Malaysia, joined ILS at the President’s breakfast to memorialize the importance of the ILS outreach to its Foreign Bar Friends, and the CLA’s embrace of ILS efforts. Each Foreign Bar Delegation was introduced by Heather Rosing, CLA President, to all Conference attendees and guests from the judiciary and ABA at the festive breakfast.

Delegates from Malaysia, Mexico, France, and Japan joined the CLA International Law Section Executive Committee on a beautiful day in San Diego for a Hornblower Cruise in San Diego Bay during September CLA Annual Meeting.