Webinar: The Delphic Oracle: The Supreme Court’s Enigmatic Decisions on Wrongful Profits and Foreign Activities (Abitron and Romag)
Twice in the past four years, the Supreme Court has delivered decisions on trademark monetary remedies.
Webinar: Demystifying the Federal Grand Jury: An Overview of Federal Grand Jury Practice and Procedures
1 Hour MCLE In this presentation, Julian André and Eddie Jauregui, both former federal prosecutors, review the law, rules, and procedures governing federal grand juries. Our speakers will provide insight…
What’s Up With Us!
What’s Up With Us! is a monthly webinar hosted by attorney members of the Real Property Law Section of the California Lawyers Association. Each session features the summary and analysis of three to four recent California or Federal appellate cases that could potentially impact real estate law practice statewide. The hosts also discuss relevant legislation and provide practical tips as needed.
Third Party: Basic Training: Family Law
Basic Training: Family Law is a comprehensive program, designed and taught by experts in the field for lawyers and their support staff with limited experience in the practice of family law.
California Law Academy Symposium Awards and Scholarship Reception
The California Legal Pathways Collaborative (CLPC) invites Law Academy Teachers, Advisory Boards, Administrators and Volunteers to join CLPC for our symposium supporting and enhancing our law academy partnership for the ongoing success of our law academies and students.
Webinar: Estate and Gift Tax – Current Developments with IRS and Tax Court
The speakers will discuss new tax law including the recent tax cases of particular interest Connelly and Anenberg. The speakers will also discuss upcoming tax legislation and potential proposals.
Webinar: Cannabis and Hemp Law as it applies to Solo and Small Firm Lawyers
The purpose of this webinar is to deliver education to solo and small firm lawyers about the practice of cannabis and hemp law in California. Our learning objectives include fundamental knowledge about cannabis and hemp law issues, how solo practitioners can build a law practice focused on cannabis and hemp law in California, and how the future of the cannabis and hemp industries will impact solo and small firm lawyers.
Webinar: Mastering the Deposition: Preparing a Client and Defending the Deposition
Jon Feldon is a Senior Associate Attorney with Murtaugh Treglia Stern & Deily LLP and assists affluent individuals and families with a variety of litigated matters in probate courts throughout…
Webinar: Feel Like An Imposter? Understand And Overcome The Fear That You’re “Not Enough”
1 Hour MCLE; 1 Wellness Competence. Presented by the CLA Health and Wellness Committee Many lawyers suffer from imposter syndrome. They experience persistent feelings of self-doubt, lack of confidence and…
Public Meetings, Public Records
The California Lawyers Association Public Law Section is pleased to announce that its Public Meetings, Public Records Conference will be held at the Westin Carlsbad Resort and Spa on September 26-27, 2024. Participants may attend in person for this for this one and a half day continuing legal education and networking event.
We are committed to accessibility! Virtual events are equipped with closed captioning. To request an in-person accommodation, send us a note at or contact us at 916-516-1760 for assistance.