Environmental Law
Environmental Attorneys — Share Your Experience With Law Students
Are you a member of the Environmental Law Section and interested in sharing career advice with law students? Please contact Jennifer Harder (jharder@pacific.edu) indicating your interest and including your name, employer (with website if any), telephone number, email address, and particular area of practice focus. ELS is creating a list of Section members who are willing to participate in career panels, and who are willing to advise students how to enroll for free memberships in the Section. The list will be sorted by region and made available to faculty and student leaders in environmental law at California law schools. If you have special insights to offer regarding diversity and inclusion in the practice of environmental law, please note that in your email and you will be so designated on the list. We anticipate that the list will be circulated in August 2019 to law faculty and students, and they would then determine whom to contact directly.