California Lawyers Association
Time Flies
September 2023
By Sabrina L. Green
Chair of CLA’s Board of Representatives
They say that “time flies when you are having fun.” As attorneys, we know that time also flies when we are incredibly busy. It would be a huge understatement to say I am grateful for the privilege I had to be your Chair for this past year. But the reality is, it is hard to believe a whole year has gone by already because I, as the Chair, the board, sections, staff, the President and Vice President and the entire organization of CLA have been so busy we all have been flying through this year.
My time as Chair has been marked by challenges conquered, new ideas and visions for the organization embraced and a shared sense of purpose that has guided our decisions with our stated goals always in sight. Each of your sections’ board representatives brought your section’s unique perspectives, personalities and expertise to every meeting, contributing to the vibrant tapestry that is our board and CLA. Working with this board and the sections, we made enormous strides this year, from implementing one of the most progressive diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies any bar association has yet enacted, implementing an organization-wide cannabis sponsorship policy, creating new committees that will serve to strengthen our initiatives and truly moving forward in our strategic plan.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the executive committee who partnered with me during my term and provided such amazing support and collaboration: Vice Chair Tara Burd, Secretary Tina Cannon-Leahy and Treasurer Mike Shaikh. Of course, CLA is being turned over to an extraordinary new executive team led by new Chair Tara Burd, Vice Chair Terrance Evans, Secretary Anthony Lai and Treasurer Jill Manning. While my term as Chair is ending, I am not going far. I remain steadfast in my support of CLA, assuming my new role as Vice President.
For me, the culmination of my term ends where it began…at the Annual Meeting. CLA is again hosting the Annual Meeting in San Diego at the Bayfront Hilton this year. The Annual Meeting is a wonderful opportunity to not only see the fantastic lineup of keynote speakers but to engage in quality, live CLE programming and innovative networking opportunities, including the Padres game for Hispanic Heritage Night and, of course, the Presidents Gala on Saturday evening, hosted jointly by CLA and the California Judges Association (CJA).
It has been an absolute privilege to serve as your Chair. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the wonderful staff at CLA who have worked tirelessly this year towards CLA’s stated missives and President Jeremy M. Evans for his commitment and guidance. Also, I would like to express my true, heartfelt thanks to all the sections and their extraordinary leaders for their support of so many of the initiatives that moved us forward as an organization and for all the excellent work they produced as sections that make CLA shine like no other bar association. The absolute benefit of serving in a leadership position at CLA is the camaraderie I could share with individuals who inspire me personally every day in their tireless efforts to make this organization the best bar association in the nation.
With this new term, I, like you, am filled with optimism for CLA’s future, especially knowing the dedication and vision of your new executive leadership team and board. I sincerely look forward to continuing my service to CLA in my new role as Vice President, and I look forward to seeing you all very soon.
Sabrina Green
Chair of CLA’s Board of Representatives