California Lawyers Association
Share your excitement and extend the invite!
Ready for a little San Diego vacay, networking, and MCLE at the Annual Meeting?
Let your colleagues, friends, and family know you’re attending these events and extend an invitation via social, email, or text. Simply use the images and example messages below:
Click on the image to download it to your computer.
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Attending Annual Meeting
I can’t wait for the CLA Annual Meeting in San Diego! Really looking forward to getting out of the office and seeing everyone! Come join me: #CLAAnnual
Attending the Gala
Up for an evening where law meets glamour? Come join me at the CLA and CJA Gala where lawyers and judges celebrate a red carpet kind of night: #gaLAWmorous #CLACJAGala
Speaking at Annual Meeting
I’m speaking at the CLA Annual Meeting in San Diego on [topic]. Hope to see you there: #CLAAnnual
Custom Speaker Graphic
Interested in sharing an image like the one below? Send your photo, session title, name, title, and affiliation to us via email here.
Be sure to tag us @CALawyersOrg on social so we can re-share and engage with you. We can’t wait to see you in San Diego!
Not registered yet?
Join Your Section’s Executive Committee
Our Executive Committee is seeking new members for our next term. Joining the Executive Committee opens new doors to your CLA experience, including your professional network, your expertise in your field of law, and your voice in our volunteer-driven organization. Executive Committees are made up of diverse groups of practitioners from all parts of California with all sorts of different professional backgrounds, and we would love for you to be a part of it. Application deadline is March 1, 2025. Get started here >>