California Lawyers Association

Double Tap on That

October 2024

What happens when you get more than 150 lawyer leaders together for a day of planning, networking and learning?  You make new friends, gain insight, and construct new plans to better serve CLA members, the legal community, and beyond. 

 Just a few weeks ago we held our Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference in San Jose, California, designed with a focus on our current and future leaders.  The results were a resounding success. The obvious achievements have been circulated on social media, highlighting our awards reception, roundtable discussions, and visitors representing bar associations from Lahore, Pakistan and Osaka, Japan. Our annual swearing in ceremony led by California Supreme Court Chief Justice, Patricia Guerrero, was a highlight, as were her remarks at our closing night soiree.

At the 2024 Annual Meeting

Despite the significance of these events, it is the less obvious victories that may be most meaningful. I received feedback from one attendee who described a specific interaction at the Annual Meeting stating she felt valued after being away from the practice for several years. Another comment from a participant was gaining long-lost confidence by having an updated headshot. Value. Confidence. When I receive feedback like that, I pause and do a mental double tap, to note the significance of the experience to the individual. I let it sink in that we are making a difference, a very personal difference, to our members.

Some attendees have decided to apply for a judicial appointment after attending the session presented by Los Angeles County Superior Court judges who explained the process and provided information on mentorship available in every California county for prospective judges. One audience member commented after the presentation that he now felt “capable” of serving as a judge in our state.  Double tap.

A week after the Annual Meeting, I attended the Fresno County Bar Association’s monthly luncheon with CLA Board Treasurer, Jessi Fierro. The attendees were grateful for the important presentation by Ms. Fierro, including an update on the Loper Bright litigation (overruling the Chevron deference of 40 years). Afterwards, a member shared his deep appreciation for CLA leadership traveling to a less urban part of the state. He talked about his sense of worth in being part of an association that shows it is interested in all of its members. Double tap.

Every single CLA member has the opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way, whether they volunteer on a committee, or simply attend an event and raise their hand with an idea. You never know when something you do or say will make a positive difference in someone else’s life, and that can have a huge ripple effect.   

At the Environmental Law Section’s 33rd annual conference held in September in Yosemite, I spoke with dozens of law students and practitioners energized about the future of California and positive changes for our environment. New or seasoned, there was no doubt these people were where they belonged. Some may make huge differences in our world, creating new laws or utilizing resources for the betterment and protection of our environment.  The active reception was followed by making s’mores at the firepit. Walking away at the end of the evening, I was followed by two women wearing a blue lanyard indicating their student status. I overheard one say to the other, “I’m so glad you encouraged me to come. This is the right area of law for me!”  Double tap.

 Whether you have been practicing for a week, a decade, or longer, you make an impact on others around you, simply by being a member of our honorable profession. I encourage you to show up, introduce yourself, ask questions, and offer your resources. Our motto is that CLA is the bar association for all California attorneys. This means more than having something to offer our attorney members. The statement embodies what we achieve collectively. We are better when we work together, in small ways or by making monumental changes. Commitment and connection are integral to our community, our mission, and our future. Do a double tab when you interact with colleagues. You never know when your contribution will be the beginning of something extraordinary!  

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