California Lawyers Association
2021 CLA Wellness Walking Challenge Rules
These rules apply to the 2021 Walk Challenge (“Contest”) conducted by the California Lawyers Association (“CLA”).
Any individual who enters, attempts to enter or in any way participates or attempts to participate in the Contest (each such individual is hereinafter referred to as an “Entrant”) agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in these Contest Rules (“Rules”), as well as by CLA’s interpretations of these Rules which are final and binding in all matters relating to the Contest.
- ELIGIBILITY TO ENTER. The Contest is open to all individuals who are 18 years of age or older on the date of Contest registration. CLA reserves the right to verify an Entrant’s age and may reasonably deem an Entrant ineligible based on the identification presented.
- HOW TO ENTER; ANTICIPATED NUMBER OF ENTRANTS. Entrants must register for the Contest through the Big Team Challenge application (the “Application”). The Application may be accessed via the following website ( or via the Big Team Challenge mobile app. To register, Entrants must accurately complete all required fields, including providing a valid U.S. mailing address. Contest registration will open at 12:00 a.m. on June 15, 2021 and Entrants must register with the Application by 11:59 p.m. (Pacific) on August 3, 2021 (“Registration Deadline”) in order to participate in the Contest. CLA estimates that 100 individuals will enter the Contest.
- ONCE ENTERED IN CONTEST. Any Entrant who completes and submits a valid registration via the Application by the Registration Deadline will be entitled to receive a CLA-branded water bottle valued at $10 (“Participation Prize”). The Participation Prize will be mailed on or around August 1, 2021 by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, to the U.S. mailing address that the Entrant provides.
- TEAMS. Entrants may register with the Application as a team or individually. If an Entrant registers as an individual, the Entrant will be assigned to a team as determined by CLA. Teams must have at least, but not more than, five (5) individuals (“Team”).
- THE CONTEST. The Contest will begin at 12:00 a.m. on August 1, 2021 (“Contest Launch”) and end at 11:59 p.m. (Pacific) on September 4, 2021 (“Contest End”). Between the Contest Launch and the Contest End, each Team will compete against all other Teams in a “virtual walk challenge” with a specific virtual route to follow as determined by CLA. In-person interaction among members of a Team is not required. The Application, which is a virtual activity tracker that digitally tracks step/distance information, will track the Team’s accomplishments. Teams may either sync their own fitness devices to the Application or manually enter step/distance information into the Application. Any Team member opting to manually enter information is encouraged to do so promptly, as winners will be determined based on reports obtained by CLA from the Application.
- DETERMINATION OF WINNERS. There will be three (3) winning Teams: 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place. The Team that finishes the route first (i.e., farthest in advance of the Contest End) will win 1st place. The Team that finishes the route second (i.e., second farthest in advance of the Contest End) will win 2nd place. The Team that finishes the route third (i.e., third farthest in advance of the Contest End) will win 3rd place. To determine the winning Teams, CLA will pull reports of the recorded accomplishments of each Team from the Application and will view the date and time, as recorded by the Application, that each Team completed the route. The winning Teams will be determined on September 10, 2021 and CLA’s determination of the winning Teams will be final. Members of each winning Team will be notified by email on or around September 13, 2021. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be emailed, or mailed by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, to the email address or U.S. mailing address that the Entrant provides.
- TIES. There will be no tie breakers. In the unlikely event of a tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place (i.e., a situation where the Application reports that two or more Teams completed the route on the exact same date, at the exact same time), all tying Teams win the applicable place.
- PRIZES. Each member of the 1st place Team will receive complimentary registration to CLA’s 2021 Annual Meeting valued at $190, an Amazon gift card valued at $50, and a CLA branded sweatshirt valued at $48.99. Each member of the 2nd place Team will receive complimentary registration to CLA’s 2021 Annual Meeting valued at $190 and an Amazon gift card valued at $25. Each member of the 3rd place Team will receive complimentary registration to CLA’s 2021 Annual Meeting valued at $190. Prizes will be released to winners only.
- LIST OF WINNERS. At the request of an Entrant, CLA will send the names of all winners and the prizes won by each.
- SUBSTITUTION OF PRIZE. CLA reserves the right to substitute a prize of comparable value for all contests. Non-cash prizes are not redeemable for cash.
- PRIZE RESTRICTIONS. Specific restrictions regarding awarded prizes will be provided, if applicable, to the winners.
- TAXES. Winners are responsible for paying all applicable local, county, state and federal taxes on prizes based on the estimated retail value of the prize, as set forth in the Rules.
- PUBLICITY: Except where prohibited, participation in the Contest constitutes the Entrant’s consent for CLA to use the Entrant’s first and last name, likeness, prize information, city and state of residence, and any comments or other feedback related to any prize or Contest experience, whether written or oral, for promotional purposes in any media without further consideration.
- DISPUTES & GOVERNING LAW. CLA shall be the sole arbiters in all matters relating to the Contest and in the interpretation of the Rules. CLA’s decision(s) are final. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of the Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and CLA in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules.
- MISCELLANEOUS. Entry into the Contest constitutes acknowledgement and agreement by Entrants to abide by these Rules. Contest registrations that are determined to be fraudulent will be void, and the person submitting such registration or suspected of fraud or tampering with any contests may be barred from further participation in that contest and, in CLA’s sole discretion on a case-by-case basis, banned from any future participation in any CLA contests.