Half truths, misleading statements, internet sleuthing…can lawyers slither through the practice like a feline? We pop up with a lie, or sneak up on our prey to learn as much as we can about witnesses, jurors, and others. But what are the limits? When are misrepresentations actionable? Read more
Is there anything that blockbuster actor Tom Cruise CAN'T teach us? Stuart Teicher's answer is a resounding "NO." Cruise’s various roles and his personal behavior teach valuable lessons about attorney ethics. Join Stuart Teicher, the CLE Performer, as he shows us how communicating with clients doesn't have to be an impossible mission (Rule 1.4); how being a thought-leading Maverick is really all about competence (Rule 1.1); and more. All we need are a few good men and women who want to smile their way through learning some ethics. Read more
Do you still have it? Do you think you’ll be able to see the issues in a typical law school exam? Stuart Teicher (the CLE Performer) teaches professional responsibility in law school and he’s going to walk you through one of the exams he recently Read more
Lawyers increasingly use artificial intelligence in the practice of law. The ethical implications range from the risks to the lawyer’s duty of competence, the need to protect confidentiality of client information, and the importance of maintaining effective supervision, not to mention the ethical rules governing legal fees and other issues. An experience ethics lawyer will discuss the uses of AI in legal practice, how the ethical rules apply, and case studies where lawyers made mistakes or committed misconduct leading to liability, sanctions and discipline. Read more
Lawyers must ensure their nonlawyer staff acts consistently with the lawyer’s professional obligations. This starts with hiring and avoiding conflicts of interest and continues throughout employment. This program will elaborate on lawyers’ obligations in hiring and training nonlawyer staff appropriately, with a focus on confidentiality, conflicts, and marketing. Read more
Attorney marketing through social media is expected as attorneys work to build relationships and value. Commenting on “hot topics” in the law through Linked in, X, Facebook can help enhance an Attorney’s brand and reputation. But there are ethical issues related to client confidentiality, candor to the court, contact with the court and jurors, trial publicity, communication about attorney’s services, advertising and soliciting potential clients that need to be considered. Read more
California lawyers generally are familiar with the conflict of interest rules and the sometimes harsh consequences of those rules. Those consequences can include disqualification of a lawyer or an entire law firm. They also can include a sometimes insurmountable hurdle to a lawyer moving to a new law firm. But those rules, and those consequences, are not limited to lawyers in private practice on their own or at a law firm. They apply equally to lawyers working as in-house counsel for a company. Read more
As we become a more multilingual and multicultural society, more lawyers are likely to serve clients who do not speak the same language as the lawyer. This barrier to communication leads to several issues that lawyers will have to address to effectively and ethically serve their clients. The primary areas which this barrier impacts are competence (rule 1.1)[1] and communication (rule 1.4). Among other rules affected are confidentiality (rule 1.6) and responsibilities regarding nonlawyer assistants. [2] Read more
There are ways to behave on an airplane, and there are ways not to behave on an airplane. It’s the same thing in the practice of law. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher, as he makes comparisons between air travel and lawyering. Read more
Stuart Teicher has always loved the Beatles, so it was just a matter of time until he made a pilgrimage to England. In this travel-journal style program, Stuart visits historical sites in Liverpool, London, and Paris, and talks about the Beatles and attorney ethics. Oh, and you don’t have to know anything about the Beatles (or Paris) to enjoy and learn from this program. Read more