Solo & Small Firm
Message from the Section Chair
Sabrina Green,
Chair, Solo and Small Firm Section
San Diego, CA
SSF Friends,
Happy New Year valued Solo Small Firm Community. The new year and decade hopefully has given you revitalization and drive to make and meet your goals. SSF is absolutely here to help you with any and all of these facets, whether it be getting the education and training you need, how to implement what you learned, to continued support for you and your firm professionally and even personally through wellness awareness.
To this end, it is also time for SSF to select new members to its Excomm and you will see we will be circulating our application to volunteer. We invite you get involved by applying for one of our executive committee positions or volunteering for one of our many committees.
On a programming note, we hope many of you in the Nor Cal Region can join us in Chico, CA on February 27, 2020 for our SSF Symposium on Success. We are also running an On Demand special discount on our past So Cal Symposium on Success to help members meet their MCLE reporting deadline requirements.
As always, remember SSF is here to serve you and welcome feedback and ideas by our members.
Your Chair,
Sabrina Green