Submission Guidelines
- Publications committee meets second week of the month
- Citation
- Hyperlink
- Length
- Max 500 words
- Topics/Relevance
- Strong preference for CA privacy law related topics
- To avoid overlap/redundancy, please discuss with the section Vice Chair by either email or by attending the monthly publication meeting. For an invitation to the monthly meeting, please email the Chair at privacypublications.cla@gmail.com
- Tone
- Use active voice
- Neutral tone that conveys the highlights of the topic and potential implications of the case, event, enforcement action, etc.
- Accessible to audiences without a legal degree such as I.T., policymakers, legislators, etc.
- Format
- Single spaced
- Font: Times Roman Numeral, 12 pt
- Abbreviations – spell out the meaning of the abbreviation when it first appears in the article
MCLE Submission Guidelines
- Qualifications as a writer
- Member of the CLA Privacy Law Section An attorney if discussing a legal matter
- An expert who is not an attorney can also qualify if they are speaking to a topic that is relevant to the practice of law
- For example, case management or document management experts
- Topics/ Relevance
- Article must discuss the relevance of the privacy law topic to California lawyers and their practice.
- Articles should consider the discuss privacy law, ethical issue or management advice.
- Tone
- Use active voice
- Neutral tone that conveys the highlights of the topic and potential implications of the case, event, enforcement action, etc.
- For a legal audience looking to understand the legal implications of topics and recent developments.
- Length
- Approximately 1,700 – 2,000 word or 4-5 pages single spaced
- Citations do not factor into the word count/ page limit
- Citation
- Use primary or secondary sources
- Endnote citations in Bluebook format
- MCLE credits for writer
- For preparing the article and quiz, the author may receive MCLE credits
- Creating Questions and Answers
- Generate two separate word documents:
- Document with the true/ false questions as they will appear to quiz taker
- Document name format: Quiz_[Name of Article]_[Last Name Author]
- Example: Quiz_CCPA Today_Smith
- Document with the corresponding explanations and answers
- Document name format: Answer Key_[Name of Article]_[Last Name Author]
- Example: Answer Key_CCPA Today_Smith
- Document with the true/ false questions as they will appear to quiz taker
- Generate two separate word documents:
- Guidelines for formatting questions
- Style and formatting
- All questions will be true/ false format
- Each true/ false must be numbered
- Content
- 20 true/ false questions
- The information used to generate the true or false questions must be available in the accompanying article.
- True/ false questions should assess readers’ understanding of the core concepts or important take-aways from the accompanying article.
- Style and formatting
- Do not formulate “got-you” questions based on semantics or slight change of phrases/ words.
- Guidelines for formulating answers and explanations
- Style and formatting
- Each answer should be the same number as its corresponding true/ false question.
- The correct answer should come first followed by the explanation.
- Content
- Brief 1-2 sentence explanation of the reason for the answer.
- Style and formatting
Sample true/ false statement:
1. The enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Protection Act is not shared with the state’s Attorney General.
Sample answer and explanation:
1. False. The enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Protection is shared between the state’s Attorney General and the California Privacy Protection Agency.