Real Property Law

A Message From the Chair

By Elizabeth Blair

Elizabeth Blair

As the Chair of the California Lawyers Association Real Property Law Section (RPLS), I want to first thank our amazing volunteers and CLA staff who help RPLS provide relevant and timely educational content, Real Property Journal articles, and monthly articles in the eNews.  I encourage you to get involved with RPLS.  Here are the volunteer opportunities available:

Executive Committee Applications

RPLS is accepting applications for appointment to its Executive Committee.  The term for this position is from the CLA Annual Meeting in 2021 to the CLA Annual Meeting in 2023.  If you are interested, please complete the application (found at  by AUGUST 1, 2021 and send it to and copy

Practice Area Committees

RPLS currently has eight (8) Practice Area Committees focused on specific areas of real property law.  The Practice Area Committees plan educational events and webinars, networking events and contribute substantive articles to the Real Property Journal and monthly eNews.  For more information about the Practice Area Committees and how to get involved, please contact Marie Wood or visit this link:

Real Property Journal

The California Real Property Journal is the premier scholarly journal published by RPLS which is provided to RPLS’s nearly 6,000 members.  Publication of the California Real Property Journal requires authors to write substantive articles, editors to review articles and issues and an Editorial Board.  For more information about the California Real Property Journal and how to get involved, please contact Cosmos Eubany or Norm Chernin.


The RPLS eNews is RPLS’s monthly electronic newsletter which provides substantive articles as well as information regarding upcoming events and programming.  The RPLS eNews requires authors to write short substantive articles, and editors to review the articles and put the eNews together each month.  For more information about the RPLS eNews and how to get involved, please contact John “J.R.” Richards.


One of the primary ways that RPLS provides educational content to you, our members, is through webinars.  In the last year, webinars have enabled RPLS to provide the great educational content that you expect from RPLS.  If you’d like to speak on a webinar or want to help plan a webinar, please contact Jenifer Swanson or Nancy Goldstein.

Networking and other Regional Events

As we move into 2022, RPLS will be hosting networking and other regional events.  If you are interested in planning or hosting one of these events, please feel free to contact me or Jonathan Golding.

It is only because of our amazing volunteer Real Property Law Section Executive Committee members and advisors, Practice Area Committee members, speakers, Real Property Journal article authors and editors, other volunteer contributors and CLA staff that we are able to provide the amount of educational content and networking opportunities to you: our members.  We welcome and encourage your participation and involvement.

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