Litigation Practice Area Committee
The Litigation Practice Area Committee is dedicated to providing education and assistance to attorneys who practice in the many facets of real estate litigation. Real estate litigation runs the gamut from disputes involving entitlements through sales and leasing. The Litigation PAC will meet its objectives by reaching out to its members and generating webinars, journal articles, e-news blurbs and other communications geared to keeping its members up to date on cutting edge cases and statutes that impact litigation.
Brokers & Licensees
The Brokers and Licensees PAC objective is to provide legal updates and practical advice that will be helpful to those attorneys who advise residential and commercial real estate licensees on their business and their relationships with their buyer, seller, property management and leasing clients. The Broker and Licensees PAC will meet its goals by creating and soliciting content for the RPLS eNews, Real Property Journal, MCLE webinars, What’s Up With Us interactive online presentations, and when permitted, on-site networking events. For more information, contact:
Real Estate Financing
Generally, the real estate finance subcommittee is a group of lawyers focused on recent legal updates with an emphasis in the real estate finance world, both for transactional and litigation matters.
Each subcommittee member is expected to submit a few deliverables each year, which may be in the form of content for webinars, articles to the Journal, case summaries for the -Bulletin and panels for Section programs.
Residential Leasing/ Landlord-Tenant Rights/ Fair Housing
The Real Property Law Section of the California Lawyers Association Landlord/Tenant Practice Area Committee will help expand the section’s services in the arena of Landlord/Tenant law. As background, the California Lawyers Association is one of the largest bar associations in the country and its Real Property Law Section is dedicated to providing premier educational programs, networking opportunities, and advocacy efforts for real property law practitioners. The Real Property Law Section, through the Landlord/Tenant Practice Area Committee, is seeking to increase its educational content in the area of Landlord/Tenant law such as residential leasing, evictions, government regulations, rent and eviction control, habitability issues as well as cover social and economic forces impacting the practice from homelessness, affordable housing crisis, economics, demographics, and government policy. For more information, contact:
Commercial Leasing
The Commercial Leasing Practice Area Committee is an active, vibrant committee comprised of real estate attorneys specializing in commercial leasing as well as legal practitioners who have an interest in commercial leasing as part of their general practice. We meet approximately every month, virtually, to enjoy presentations and/or discuss current legal issues and trends in the commercial leasing practice and the conversation is equal parts sophisticated, educational, and collegial. Currently, we are organizing the 10th Annual Women in Commercial Leasing Law Symposium to be held in March, 2025. For more information, contact:
- Caitlin Connell
Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP
Real Estate Transaction & Land Use
The real estate transaction and land use PAC is focused on transactional land use matters, such as entitlements, environmental compliance, policy related issues, among others, as well as real estate transactions, such as purchase and sale agreements and other real estate transactions not covered by other PACs. For more information, contact:
Construction Law
The Construction Law Practice Area Committee is dedicated to providing education and community to the full scope of attorneys practicing in the field of construction law — from contractual disputes (including delay, disruption, acceleration, site conditions, etc.), to transactional matters involving construction contracts, to public contract procurement, to contractor licensing, to mechanic’s liens and stop notices, and even to construction-defect litigation. The Construction Law Practice Area Committee will further these objectives by generating and disseminating member-created content in the form of live webinars, case notes, Real Property Law Journal articles, and potentially in-person legal presentations to its membership. For more information, contact:
Common Interest Developments/ Homeowners Association (CID/HOA)
The Common Interest Development (“CID”)-HOA PAC’s mission is to provide balanced, high-quality CID-HOA law educational programming and events for CLA members, with a focus on diversity and the various and disparate areas of CID-HOA law practice. As over fifty-five thousand (55,000) residential CID’s (i.e. HOA’s) are estimated to exist in California, not to mention tens of thousands of commercial and industrial CID’s, the practice of CID-HOA law touches many aspects of real property and real estate law practice. The CID-HOA PAC’s mission is to reflect these diverse practice areas in its educational programming and events. For more information, contact:
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
The ADR Practice Area Committee is dedicated to providing education and community to the full scope of mediators, judges (retired or active), arbitrators and attorneys in the field of alternative dispute resolution. The ADR PAC’s mission is to reflect these diverse practice areas in its educational programming and events.