Ca. Tax Lawyer JANUARY 2019, VOLUME 27, NUMBER 4
- California Tax Lawyer Style Manual
- Clarifying Subpart F and Pfic Income Inclusion Upon Renunciation of U.S. Citizenship (Irc §§ 877A(g), 951, 965, 1291)
- Contents
- Masthead
- Message from the Chair
- Most Recent Irs Due Diligence Regulations Under Irc § 6695(g) Continue to Pose Unique Challenges That Could Undermine Its Very Purpose
- Tax Business
- Taxation Section 2018—2019 Leadership Directory
- Using and Abusing Charitable Llcs
- Visiting the Committees
- The 2018 Sacramento Delegation
The 2018 Sacramento Delegation
At this year’s Sacramento Delegation, nine members of the Tax Section presented proposals for improvements to California tax law. The proposals, which were also detailed in papers prepared by the presenters, were presented to Legislative staff, the Franchise Tax Board, the Board of Equalization and the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. The papers called for both administrative and statutory changes.
The Sacramento Delegation planning committee consisted of Chris Campbell (Tax Section Incoming Chair) and Ciro Immordino (Delegation Chair).
A summary of the 2018 Sacramento Delegation papers is below. The full papers can be viewed on the Tax Section’s website.