Ca. Tax Lawyer JANUARY 2019, VOLUME 27, NUMBER 4
- Clarifying Subpart F and Pfic Income Inclusion Upon Renunciation of U.S. Citizenship (Irc §§ 877A(g), 951, 965, 1291)
- Contents
- Masthead
- Message from the Chair
- Most Recent Irs Due Diligence Regulations Under Irc § 6695(g) Continue to Pose Unique Challenges That Could Undermine Its Very Purpose
- Tax Business
- Taxation Section 2018—2019 Leadership Directory
- The 2018 Sacramento Delegation
- Using and Abusing Charitable Llcs
- Visiting the Committees
- California Tax Lawyer Style Manual
California Tax Lawyer Style Manual
Submissions should be in Times New Roman, 12pt. font, Single Spaced and Justified. Endnotes should be used instead of Footnotes.
A. Formatting
To keep the CTL looking like a professional journal, there needs to be consistency to the formatting of the articles from edition to edition. The following is the "Style Guide" for the various headings: