Ca. Tax Lawyer JANUARY 2019, VOLUME 27, NUMBER 4
- California Tax Lawyer Style Manual
- Clarifying Subpart F and Pfic Income Inclusion Upon Renunciation of U.S. Citizenship (Irc §§ 877A(g), 951, 965, 1291)
- Contents
- Masthead
- Message from the Chair
- Most Recent Irs Due Diligence Regulations Under Irc § 6695(g) Continue to Pose Unique Challenges That Could Undermine Its Very Purpose
- Taxation Section 2018—2019 Leadership Directory
- The 2018 Sacramento Delegation
- Using and Abusing Charitable Llcs
- Visiting the Committees
- Tax Business
Taxation Section Overview
Membership is open to everyone including lawyers, accountants, enrolled agents, trust officers, etc. The Section maintains two levels of membership: Regular membership for those who are admitted to the State Bar of California, and Associate membership for all others, such as lawyers admitted in other states. Joining the Section may be done through the Section’s website, or by contacting Kristina Robledo, Taxation Section Coordinator at the California Lawyers Association, at (415) 538-2467 or