Labor and Employment Law
Ca. Labor & Emp't Rev. September 2019, Volume 33, No. 5
- Labor & Employment Law Section Executive Committee 2018-2019
- Cases Pending Before the California Supreme Court
- Did You Know the Dfeh Has a Dispute Resolution Division?
- Employment Law Case Notes
- Feha at 60: Looking Back, Looking Forward
- Fresh Perspectives: Getting Involved in Mediations as an Early Practitioner
- Inside the Law Review
- Masthead
- Nlra Case Notes
- Public Sector Case Notes
- Wage and Hour Case Notes
- Message From the Chair
Message From the Chair
By Ramit Mizrahi
Ramit Mizrahi is the founder of Mizrahi Law, APC in Pasadena, where she represents employees exclusively. She focuses on discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and wrongful termination cases. She can be reached at ramit@
I spent a month reflecting on this column, my final message as Section Chair. I wanted it to be meaningfulâ not just the usual thank yous and goodbyes (although those can be found below).
As I write this column, I am 35,000 feet up in the air, returning from a glorious visit to Glacier National Park and to see family. In the five days that we were at the Park, we hiked 40 miles (with my six-year-old leading the way much of the time) and immersed ourselves in nature. Glacier National Park is spectacular, with glaciers, waterfalls, lakes, rivers, forests, and majestic wildlife all around. (Sadly, with climate change, many of the glaciers will be gone in the next 10 to 20 years.)