Law Practice Management & Technology

Executive Committee News

LPMT Executive Committee

New Members on the LPMT Executive Committee

The following members will be joining the Executive Committee following the CLA Annual Meeting.  They have been selected to serve a 3-year term.

  • Chad Morgan | Attorney, Los Angeles
  • Jeremy Salvador | Public Member, Valencia
  • Mark G. Griffin | Attorney, San Francisco
  • Kai Ellis | Public Member (paralegal), Los Angeles
  • Thomas A. Richard | Attorney, Oakland
  • Perry Segal | Attorney, Redwood City

These new members will join the following continuing members on the Executive Committee:  Shannon Lex Bales, Joe Escobio, Thomas Garberson, Larry Meyer, Joy Murao, Neil Pedersen, Kimberly Smith and Amy Williams.  Special Advisors and Liaisons for 2019-2020 will be selected shortly.

2018-2019 Fiscal Years Comes to a Close – Thank you!

The Annual Meeting marks the end of the fiscal year 2018-2019, and there are several Executive Committee members who are completing their 3-year terms on the Executive Committee.  The eNewsletter Editorial Team wishes to acknowledge and thank the following members who are completing their terms on the Executive Committee:

Voting Members:   Araceli Almazan, Clayton Dodds, Jason Peterson and Cari Pines. 

Special Advisors:  Peter Brewer, Michael Fenger, Mari Frank, Patty Miller, Perry Segal, George Seide, and Nyanza Shaw.

The Section is extremely grateful to these members for their many contributions to the Section.  The contributions include writing articles for The Bottom Line and eNews, presenting educational programs (in-person and webinar), and offering guidance in the many endeavors of the LPMT Section.

The eNews Subcommittee wishes to thank all LPMT members who have contributed content to the eNews this fiscal year.  With their help, we were able to bring you six issues of the LPMT eNewsletter this fiscal year.  We could not have done it without their support.  We would be remise if we didn’t thank our partners at CLA who assist in producing the eNews, Brian Foley and Joyce Tao.  They receive our content in Word format and create the beautiful eNews that is distributed to you every other month.  Their patience (when making edits!) and assistance is greatly appreciated.

News from LPMT Section Members

Executive Committee member, Neil Pedersen, was recently selected by the Orange County Bar Association to be this year’s recipient of its Harmon G. Scoville Award. As described by the OCBA, “this award annually recognizes a member of the Orange County legal community whose career exemplifies the highest standards of the legal profession and who has contributed to the Orange County Bar Association and championed our constitutional system of justice.”  The award will be presented to Neil at the annual OCBA Volunteer Recognition Reception on October 21, 2019.  Congratulations, Neil, on receiving this well-deserved recognition.

Members, let us know what you are doing so we can include your activities and accomplishments in our next eNewsletter.  Let us hear from you!

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