Law Practice Management & Technology

Message from the Chair

Time truly has flown quickly by as my chairmanship comes to an end, I must say it has been a great journey and learning experience for me.

It always amazes me at the many volunteers who work tirelessly for the LPMT. I commend our Executive Committee for staying relevant with our mission statement, keeping pace with technology and attracting new members.  One of our goals is to deliver quality MCLE programs and events, in addition to offering outstanding member benefits.  Therefore, I would like to ask of you to recommend the LPMT to your colleagues; the continued support allows us to continue our mission.

I see exciting new programs on the horizon for our members. I look forward to seeing the LPMT continue to grow and thrive under its new leadership, with Clayton Dodds as Chair, starting October 2019. 

In closing, I would also like to thank and recognize Patty Miller, who has truly made the Newsletter possible, and Perry Segal, for his tireless support as our Board Representative and advocate.

Please join me in welcoming Clayton into his new executive position as Chair!  Congrats – I’ve enjoyed working with you and getting to know you over the years, and I look forward to continuing to work with you as your Past Chair.

Christi McGowan, Chair

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