California Lawyers Association
Legal Talk Network Interviews CLA Members
Legal Talk Network, a podcast producer for legal professionals with hosts from well-known organizations and brands in legal, was at the CLA Annual Meeting in Monterey last month.
Here are the episodes recorded with CLA members:
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Environmental Law Section. Section members discuss recent education programs and highlight upcoming events.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Updates from CLA Leadership. Leaders discuss the organizationâs growth over the past year and goals for the future.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, âClosing the Courthouse Door.â The UC Berkeley School of Law professor shares highlights from his presentation at the Alexander F. Morrison lecture series.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Solo & Small Firm Section. Nancy Goldstein and Jeremy Evans offer guidance for solo and small firms for managing the many roles they play with a balanced perspective.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Labor & Employment Law Section. Adam Fiss and Ramit Mizrahi give an overview of California employment law legislative updates in the past year.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Workersâ Comp Section. Judge Sharon Velzy, Randy Pollack, and Jack Goodchild share insights on recent workersâ comp litigation and trends and give section updates.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Trusts & Estates Section. Section members discuss the Barefoot v. Jennings case and give updates for members.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Recent Developments in Family Law. Judge Mark Juhas discusses developments in Californiaâs family law in the past year.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: The Intersection of Criminal and Family Law in Domestic Violence Cases. Albert Camacho helps lawyers gain perspective on the overlaps in the judicial system.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Business Law Section. Walter Oetzell and Corey Weber discuss the international trade and upcoming programs for section members.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Intellectual Property Law Section. Heather Antoine about all the benefits the Intellectual Property Law Section has to offer and more.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: CYLAâEvidence Strategy Tips and Section Updates. Martin Behn, Nick Oliver, and Lydia Lockett discuss section updates and feature CLE highlights from the 2019 Annual Meeting.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Antitrust Section. Representatives from Samsung Next, Microsoft, and eBay discuss how the increasing focus on privacy will impact businesses.
- CLA 2019 Annual Meeting: Litigation SectionâCLE Highlights and Section Updates. Jennifer Keller gives an overview of her CLE presentation and Thomas Greene discusses upcoming projects and events for the Litigation Section.