California Lawyers Association
Leadership In Action
February 2023
Highlights from the January Board Retreat
By Sabrina L. Green
Chair of the Board of Representatives
“Be careful what you wish for, or you just may get it!” Those were the words from my mother when I told her that I wanted to be Chair of the Board of Representatives for California Lawyers Association (CLA). She was worried that as a small firm attorney, I would not have the support that an attorney from a larger firm might have taking on this role. What my mom did not know is that I had all the support in the world, because CLA is an organization that prides itself on supporting its volunteers in whatever capacity they choose to follow. What drives a person to take on a role like chair that is so time-consuming and is a purely voluntary position? I can tell you without reservation it’s because it is extremely fulfilling. I am passionate about CLA. I am passionate about the volunteers like me that I have met and worked with on the board and in the Sections. I am passionate about the fabulous staff that strives every day to assist in making our visions become reality.
In the few months since I have taken on the role of chair, CLA has made great strides with incredible accomplishments in the Sections, with the association’s adoption and implementation of the strategic plan, and now, a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policy that may well set the standard for other associations throughout the United States. I could think of no better way to kick off 2023 for CLA than its Leadership Conference, which was held the third weekend in January in Monterey, California.
I would like to thank all the volunteer leaders who attended this event, in addition to all of our fabulous CLA staff who worked so tirelessly throughout the conference. For me, as chair, it was thrilling to be able to bring our new vision of this Leadership Conference to fruition and even more rewarding watching our members seize on all the opportunities to organically collaborate and work towards their goals and the creation of completely new concepts.
Get Involved in Our New Law School and Rural Attorney Outreach Committees
At the Membership Engagement Committee Session, I was thrilled to announce the launch of two projects I spearheaded: the Law School Outreach Committee and the Rural Attorney Outreach Committee. Both committees are considered “boots on the ground” committees. The Law School Outreach Committee will be creating “101” style programming that will be taught directly by CLA volunteers in tier three and four law schools throughout the state, bringing those students free additional resources, education and connections. Similarly, the Rural Attorney Outreach Program brings live MCLE programs via regional CLA volunteers to those areas that normally never receive the benefit of live programs and resources. Both these committees will require heavy volunteerism to create the programs and deliver the programs. They offer exciting new opportunities to get involved no matter what area of practice or section you are involved in or if you are new and would like to get involved in CLA. The inaugural meeting for both of these committees will be held via Zoom on March 21, 2033, at 12:00 p.m. All are welcome and encouraged to join.
Look for Conference Speaking Opportunities Soon
The Programs Committee is in full planning mode, preparing for the Solo and Small Firm Summit and the CLA Annual Meeting. This year the Solo Small Firm Summit will be held virtually on June 15–16, 2023, and the CLA Annual Meeting will be in person at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel from September 21–23, 2023. Mark your calendars and keep your eyes out for program submission requests and deadlines.
For all of you who are involved in CLA in any capacity, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your service and involvement. I see first-hand how CLA and its volunteers impact their communities, the profession and your fellow colleagues. I am so grateful and honored to lead the Board of Representatives and am excited to work with you, CLA President Jeremy Evans, CEO Oyango Snell and the talented staff at CLA to take CLA to the next level in 2023.
Yours Truly,
Sabrina L. Green
Chair of the Board of Representatives
California Lawyers Association