California Lawyers Association

2019 Annual Meeting Photo Gallery

Thank you to all who participated in the 2019 Annual Meeting in Monterey for making it a huge success. The three-day event drew an array of legal professionals from all over the state, from solo practitioners to Supreme Court justices. It was truly memorable and we look forward to doing it again next year. Enjoy these snapshots from some of the featured special activities and special speaker events.

Opening Night Reception

The Opening Reception kicked off the Annual Meeting with an awards presentation, including the Jack Berman Award, the Loren Miller Award, and the diversity awards. Read more about the award winners.

Spotlight on the Supreme Court Luncheon

Spotlight on the Supreme Court is a CLA signature event during which attendees get to know our California Supreme Court Justices while enjoying lunch. This year, the program featured a lively conversation with the Court’s longest serving and newest justices, Justice Ming Chin and Justice Joshua Groban. Two seasoned appellate attorneys, Reuben Ginsburg and Katy Graham, interviewed these two prominent justices.

Civic Education Community Outreach Program

CLA hosted local elementary school students in an interactive program designed to underscore the importance of civic engagement to maintaining a vibrant and healthy society. Moderated by Justice Judith McConnell, Chair, Power of Democracy Steering Committee.

Annual Alexander F. Morrison Lecture

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky was this year’s Morrison Lecturer. Since July 2017, Erwin Chemerinsky has been the Dean of Berkeley Law, where he also serves as the Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law. Before assuming his current role at Berkeley, Dean Chemerinsky was the founding dean and a distinguished law professor at University of California, Irvine School of Law. Dean Chemerinsky has also served as a professor of law at Duke University, University of Southern California Law School, DePaul College of Law and UCLA Law School.

Joint Swearing-In Ceremony and Awards

California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye spoke at the joint swearing-in ceremony with the California Judges Association for incoming CLA board members and officers.

Business Law Section Annual Breakfast

Entitled “Safe and Sound: How to Survive and Thrive in a Heightened Data Security Environment,” the annual breakfast featured keynote speaker Jared D. Correia, Esq., Founder & CEO, Red Cave Law Firm Consulting and the lifetime achievement award was issued to Gordon K. Davidson, the leader and lifeblood of Fenwick & West’s Silicon Valley presence for many years.

Bar Leaders Conference and CLA Board of Representatives

The Bar Leaders Conference was held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting, and represented an array of bar leaders from across the state. The CLA Board of Representatives also met at the Annual Meeting.

California Association of Black Lawyers Awards Reception

The California Association of Black Lawyers awarded CLA CEO and Executive Director Ona Alston Dosunmu the 2019 Leader Award at its reception at the Annual Meeting.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Reception

Attendees of the CLA evening reception had loads of fun at the world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium.

CYLA BBQ, Brews and Bocce President’s and Chair’s Reception

California Young Lawyers Association hosted a barbecue gathering and bocce ball for Annual Meeting attendees, friends and family.

Selfie Stand

On top of all of the special events and exhibits, CLA displayed a selfie stand for attendees.

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