Solo & Small Firm

Message from the Solo & Small Firm Section Chair

Renee N. G. Stackhouse, Chair
San Diego, CA

image of Renee Stackhouse
Renee Stackhouse

SSF Friends,

Do you have a law practice or a law business?

The difference is a law practice means you’re a lawyer practicing law. The second is that you run a business that is focused, goal-oriented, and consistently profitable. If you’re like a lot of SSF lawyers, you may have some work to do on the business of running a law firm even if you’re a reputable lawyer. There is a huge difference between the two and one does not make you good at the other. SSF practitioners need to be able to excel at both. We’re here to help.

#SSF Supports

Join us at our inaugural Symposium on Solo Success March 15, 2019 in Sacramento. You can join in-person or watch remotely and earn up to four (4) hours of MCLE credit with topics on opening, managing, growing and tech for the SSF practitioner. We’ve also got resources online including:

A Law Firm’s Legal Duty to Provide Reasonable Accommodations to Attorneys with Disabilities Click Here

Effectively Running Your New Law Practice Click Here

The Business of Law for Small Firms and The Solo Practitioner: Tax Issues for Lawyers Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Do You Qualify? Click Here

And don’t forget that new Rules of Professional Conduct went into effect last November. Are you compliant? Find out through our webinar CA Rules of Professional Conduct: What the 2018 Rule Update Means to You.  

If you’re like a lot of SSF practitioners- including myself! – you probably feel like you just don’t have time for these MCLE or sitting around figuring out costs per activity. I hope that, like I’ve just started doing, you’ll make the time. We put too much sweat equity into running our firms to watch them fail.


We recently announced the inaugural recipients of our 2019 Excellence Awards. In case you missed it, please join me in congratulating:

image of Excellence Award recipients
  • Norma J. Williams, Excellence in Practice (Los Angeles)
  • Sheila-Marie Finkelstein, Excellence in Service (Newport Beach)
  • Summer C. Selleck, Excellence in Service (Walnut Creek)

You can show these incredible women your support by signing up as a “Friend” sponsor for the upcoming Excellence Awards Reception for only $100. Space is limited so make sure to get your name on the list!


Do you want to get the latest information about what SSF and CLA are doing? Make sure to connect with us on social media! You can find us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.

We’re looking forward to connecting with you!

Your Chair,
Renee N. G. Stackhouse

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