Real Property Law
Review: CLA Legislative Day

On March 20, 2019, a group of CLA members and staff met for the first time in Sacramento, California for our legislative day. We had the pleasure of meeting policy makers at our state capital.
- Cory Jasperson, Director of Governmental Affairs, Judicial Council of California
- Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, Chair, Senate Judiciary Committee
- Assembly Member Mark Stone, Chair, Assembly Judiciary Committee
- Assembly Member Ash Kalra, Member, Assembly Judiciary Committee.
- Senator Andreas Borgeas, Vice-Chair, Senate Judiciary Committee
- Che Salinas, Chief Deputy Legislative Affairs Secretary for Operations, Governor’s Office

I attended with our RPLS Co-Chairperson Neil Kalin and really enjoyed hearing our legislators and policy makers speak. It was interesting to find out that a lot of the policies and practical stances of our new governor are a work in progress as he gets his footing. It would be interesting if the CLA and our group took a stance on the housing crisis and how to get that resolved. Right now, as a group, our main focus is on the judiciary committee, funding for courts and state bar dues. I know people in the RPLS executive committee are interested in more issues and now that we are separated from the state bar, we have an opportunity to affect legislation in a new and meaningful way.