Ca. Tax Lawyer August 2018, Volume 27, Number 2
- A Look at the Procedures Governing California Office of Tax Appeals Proceedings
- Are Corporate Investors Doing Business in California If They Invest in California Llcs? a Look at Swart
- Contents
- Masthead
- Request for Guidance Regarding the Relevancy Requirement of the Check-the-Box Regulations
- Tax Business Taxation Section Overview
- Taxation Section 2017—2018 Leadership Directory
- Two Easy Fixes That Could Expand Eligibility for § 6015 Relief from Joint & Several Liability (Even While Retaining Current Rigorous Qualification Vetting)
- Visiting the Committees
- Message from the Chair
Message from the Chair
By Patrick W. Martin
The Taxat io n Section has played an important role for decades providing tax and legal education, professional development, an interface among government and private tax professionals and generally advancing the understanding of tax law. This year 2018 represents one of the most important federal tax reforms in decades. Accordingly, the Taxation Section is playing a role in all of the above, with special emphasis on how the federal tax reform impacts our professional lives, our clients and constituents. One longstanding initiative of the Taxation Section is the Young Tax Lawyers ("YTL"). YTL helps newer tax professionals get involved directly with all the activities of the Taxation Section. YTL is a robust group of tax professionals within California that have regular meetings, promote CLE and generally provide a gateway for younger tax professionals to meet and get known throughout your group of tax professionals. If you are a tax lawyer (or an aspiring one) that has practiced less than 10 years, you are encouraged to get involved with the YTL chapter closest to you. Reach out to the current chair Eric Baggett (San Diego) or the vice-chair Jonathan Amitrano (Santa Ana) to get more involved. Finally, the annual DC Delegation will be held by the time this is published. There are ten interesting tax topics that were presented in the form of papers by various authors. Along this vein, we expect many members of the Taxation Section will want to get actively involved in providing comments to various federal and California tax projects arising out of the federal tax reform. Reach out to one of the 9 substantive standing committee chairs most relevant to the substantive area of tax law of which you have interest.
We want active participation of our nearly 3,500 members of the Taxation Section. Participation is what makes our Taxation Section particularly successful and valuable to its members. Please go to the California Lawyers Association (CLA) website under "About the Taxation Section" to learn more about the various programs and activities undertaken throughout the year. Get involved and make an impact on the tax law community in California, the country and beyond our borders.
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