Ca. Tax Lawyer August 2018, Volume 27, Number 2
- A Look at the Procedures Governing California Office of Tax Appeals Proceedings
- Are Corporate Investors Doing Business in California If They Invest in California Llcs? a Look at Swart
- Contents
- Masthead
- Message from the Chair
- Request for Guidance Regarding the Relevancy Requirement of the Check-the-Box Regulations
- Tax Business Taxation Section Overview
- Taxation Section 2017—2018 Leadership Directory
- Two Easy Fixes That Could Expand Eligibility for § 6015 Relief from Joint & Several Liability (Even While Retaining Current Rigorous Qualification Vetting)
- Visiting the Committees
Visiting the Committees
Commentary and Updates by the Committees
The Compensation and Benefits Committee provides a forum for members of the Taxation Section to learn and discuss issues relating to executive compensation, tax-qualified retirement plans, and health and welfare benefit arrangements. Membership in the Committee is open to employee benefit practitioners and Taxation Section members, and the participation of members of the Labor and Employment Law Section is encouraged. The Committee strives to include in discussions, high-level members of the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of Labor Employee Benefit Security Administration, and California Franchise Tax Board.