Real Property Law
Cal. Real. Prop. Journal 2014, Vol. 32, No. 4
- 2014-2015 Executive Committee of the Real Property Law Section
- California Mandates Groundwater Regulation Through Local "Sustainability Plans" Starting in 2020
- California Real Property Journal
- Legislative Update: the California Energy Commission Postpones Implementation of the Final Phase of the Energy Disclosure Requirements (Ab 1103) for Buildings of 5,000 to 10,000 Square Feet
- MCLE Self-Study Article: Which Remedy: Partition by Division or Partition by Sale?
- Real Estate Fraud Claims and Criminal Prosecution
- Real Property Law Section Subsection Chairs and Standing Committee Chairs 2014-2015
- Table of Contents
- Title Quandaries Created by Foreclosures During the Great Recession
- Message from the Chair
Message from the Chair
By Robert S. Miller
©2014 All Rights Reserved.
The Real Property Law Section has started another year of service to its members with renewed energy and enthusiasm to further expand the offerings of the Section. We continue to work to be the premier statewide organization serving real estate legal professionals and related service providers. Our primary goal is to offer the approximately 6,500 members of our Section a variety of ways to receive timely and relevant information for their practices through educational programming, publications, and networking opportunities. Consistent with this mission, the members of the Executive Committee and our subsections are planning the following events, publications, parties, and other benefits to Section members for the coming year: