Cal. Litig. 2022, Volume 35, Number 1
- Are Anti-SLAPP Fee Awards Stayed on Appeal? The Better Side of a Split of Authority Says Yes
- Business Litigation: Best Practices for Litigating a Civil Code Section 1717 Motion for Attorney Fees
- Civility in the Legal Profession: It's Up to Us to Save It
- EDITOR'S FOREWORD Bright Lights, Big Changes
- FROM THE SECTION CHAIR What's Happened and What's Coming
- Masthead
- Persuasion Science for Trial Lawyers
- Q&A with S.D. Cal. Magistrate Judge Allison H. Goddard
- Qualifying for the Ballot During a Once-in-a-Lifetime Pandemic
- Table of Contents
- The Evolution of Voter Access in California
- The Power of Speaking from the Heart
- What I've Learned
- 5 Ways to Optimize Your Video for Depositions
5 Ways to Optimize Your Video for Depositions
By Shelley Golden
As Zoom trials and depositions continue to be conducted online in this COVID era, it’s critical to control how you, and everyone involved in the case, show up. Whether it’s you, your client, your deponents, or expert witnesses, each must come across polished, credible, and trustworthy.
Since people decide within 100 milliseconds whether to trust another person, according to the 2006 Princeton University study by Todorov and Willis, it’s important to be intentional in aligning all the visual aspects in the Zoom box, which can make or break your court case. Willis & Todorov, First Impressions: Making Up Your Mind After a 100-Ms Exposure to a Face (2006) 17 Psych. Sci. 592. Credibility is more challenging on Zoom since you usually don’t generally see one’s entire body, thus, making it more difficult to read the non-verbal cues.
Your expert witness knows that opposing counsel is scrutinizing every behavior, comment, and gesture, and you’re paying them for their professionalism, not just their expertise. And they may not be aware that being deposed on Zoom requires that they pay additional attention to how they show up.