Intellectual Property Law
New Matter SPRING 2022, VOLUME 47, EDITION 1
- 2022 New Matter Author Submission Guidelines
- A Look At the Trademark Modernization Act - One Year In
- Andy Warhol Foundation V. Goldsmith Redux
- Biogen Ma Inc. V. Emd Serono, Inc.
- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SECTION Executive Committee 2021-2022
- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SECTION Interest Group Representatives 2021-2022
- Letter From the Editor-in-chief
- McLe Trademark Law's Protection For Image and Likeness ... At Least If You're Famous
- Miramax's Lawsuit Against Quentin Tarantino May Set Precedent For Classification of Nfts
- Ninth Circuit Report
- Online Cle For Participatory Credit
- Quarterly International Ip Law Update
- Table of Contents
- The California Lawyers Association Intellectual Property Alumni
- The Licensing Corner
- Trade Secret Report
- Ttab Decisions and Developments
- Letter From the Chair
Sanjesh Sharma
Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc.
Dear Friends:
I hope you had a restful winter break and a wonderful start to 2022. We have a few announcements for the new year.
First, in renewing your 2022 California bar license fees, you may have noticed that the California Lawyers Association has introduced a new membership structure this year. Your CLA membership now has three levels at different price points: Introductory, Standard, and All-Access. Introductory membership ($110) is for members who want access to CLA-wide benefits but no section membership. All-Access membership ($300) allows members to be part of CLA and to access all 17 sections. Standard membership ($150) is for members who are happy with their current membership and includes access to 1 section of the member’s choice; members can add additional sections for $40 each.