Business Law
Business Law News 2020, ISSUE 1
- Accidental Franchises-What You Don't Know Can Hurt Your Client
- Business Law News Editorial Team
- Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
- Executive Committee of the Business Law Section 2019-2020
- Han v. Hallberg: Playing Pick-up Sticks with Presta Logic
- Message from the Editor
- Recovering Contractual Attorneys' Fees in Bankruptcy Litigation
- Standing Committee Officers of the Business Law Section 2019-2020
- The Current Plight of the California Franchise Business Model
- The Forthcoming California Lawyers Association Bls Opinions Committee Sample Ucc Opinion: Something for All Transactional Lawyers (Ucc, Real Estate, Securities, or otherwise) Who Give, Review, or Receive Legal Opinions on California Law
- Workarounds for Plaintiffs & Lawyers Under New Tax Law
- Business Law News Table of Contents
BUSINESS LAW NEWS Table of Contents
Executive Committee: Message from the Chair…………………………………………………………..4
Message from the Editor…………………………………………………………………………………………….5
The Forthcoming California Lawyers Association BLS Opinions Committee Sample UCC Opinion: Something for All Transactional Lawyers (UCC, Real Estate, Securities, or otherwise) Who Give, Review, or Receive Legal Opinions on California Law……………7
By Richard N. Frasch
This article previews and comments on a forthcoming report from the CLA Business Section Opinions Committee on a form of sample legal opinion letter for personal property secured financing transactions. The final report is scheduled to be published in the Spring 2020 edition of The Business Lawyer, published by the ABA Business Law Section.
Han v. Hallberg: Playing Pick-up Sticks with Presta Logic…………………………………………11
By Layton L. Pace
Can a trust be a partner in a partnership? Does the death of a partner who has transferred a partnership interest into a trust trigger buy-out provisions of a partnership agreement? Two different California Courts of Appeal have decided these questions differently. The California Supreme Court has granted review in the more recent of the cases; this article sets out the issues.