Business Law
Business Law News 2020, ISSUE 1
- Accidental Franchises-What You Don't Know Can Hurt Your Client
- Business Law News Editorial Team
- Business Law News Table of Contents
- Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
- Executive Committee of the Business Law Section 2019-2020
- Han v. Hallberg: Playing Pick-up Sticks with Presta Logic
- Message from the Editor
- Recovering Contractual Attorneys' Fees in Bankruptcy Litigation
- Standing Committee Officers of the Business Law Section 2019-2020
- The Current Plight of the California Franchise Business Model
- The Forthcoming California Lawyers Association Bls Opinions Committee Sample Ucc Opinion: Something for All Transactional Lawyers (Ucc, Real Estate, Securities, or otherwise) Who Give, Review, or Receive Legal Opinions on California Law
- Workarounds for Plaintiffs & Lawyers Under New Tax Law
Workarounds for Plaintiffs & Lawyers Under New Tax Law
Robert W. Wood
Robert W. Wood practices law with Wood LLP ( and is the author of Taxation of Damage Awards and Settlement Payments and other books available at This discussion is not intended as legal advice.
You are a plaintiff in a lawsuit and just settled your case for $1,000,000. Your lawyer takes 40%, $400,000, leaving you the balance. Most plaintiffs assume their worst-case tax exposure would be paying tax on $600,000. But today, you could pay taxes on the full $1,000,000. Welcome to the crazy way legal fees are taxed.
In Commissioner v. Banks,1 the Supreme Court held that plaintiffs in contingent fee cases must generally recognize income equal to 100% of their recoveries. This is so even if the lawyer is paid directly by the defendant, and even if the plaintiff receives only a net settlement after fees. This harsh tax rule usually means plaintiffs must figure a way to deduct those fees.2