Business Law
Business Law News 2014, Issue 2
- Bln Editorial Board: Message from the Editor
- Business Law News Editoral Team
- California Legislature to Consider Amendments to Ucc Article 9 Regarding Name of Individual Debtor
- Enforcement of Non-Debtor Releases in International Insolvency Proceedings
- Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
- Executive Committee of the Business Law Section 2013-2014
- Expanding Whistleblower Protection Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (or, George Clooney, Litigious Babysitters, and Enron At the Supreme Court)
- Michael Jackson Tax Case is a Thriller
- Protecting Tax Refunds of Consolidated Tax Filers in Bankruptcy
- Standing Committee Officers of the Business Law Section 2013-2014
- Table of Contents
- The Driver's License Rule Is Not Needed in California-A Response to the Rubenstein Article
- Casenote: the Jolley Case
Casenote: The Jolley Case
William Webb
Mr. Webb is the founder of the Webb Legal Group in San Francisco, which represents lenders and other businesses in complex commercial and consumer financial services cases. He attended the University of Notre Dame as well as its law school. Mr. Webb represents parties in cases throughout California, the U.S. and internationally. He can be reached by e-mail: wwebb@webblegalgroup. com
On February 11, 2013, the First District Court of Appeal decided Jolley v. Chase Home Finance, LLC,1 a case with implications for both construction lenders and borrowers. Lenders should heed its warnings, and borrowers are expected to try to use it to their advantage.