Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law

Competition: Spring 2016, Vol 25, No. 1


Paul Riehle

Sedgwick LLP

San Francisco, CA

With many thanks to the authors, editors and other contributors, the Antitrust, Unfair Competition Law & Privacy Section of the California State Bar is proud to provide you with another edition of Competition. This issue is chock full of interesting articles involving each substantive focus of the Section and also reprises in polished written form last Fall’s Golden State Institute, our twenty-fifth!

Special thanks to our Editor-in-Chief, Heather Tewksbury, and her team at Wilmer Hale, particularly Heather’s assistant Michelle Stephens. This is Heather’s second year as the chief and the journal has benefited greatly by her leadership.

The Section presents many opportunities for publication in addition to Competition. Please contact Chery Johnson, Deputy Attorney General at the California Department of Justice, about working on the seminal treatise California Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law or Steve Williams at Cotchett Pitre & McCarthy regarding writing for our monthly E-Briefs. For speaking opportunities, please contact Jill Manning at Steyer Lowenthal Boodrookas Alvarez & Smith LLP about becoming a panelist or moderator for one of our many webinars.

Please Save the Date of November 3, 2016 for the Golden State Institute, once again featuring the trial lawyers from two big stakes antitrust trials, a conversation with a sitting California Supreme Court Justice — this year our guest is Justice Carol Corrigan — a panel of federal district court judges (Ninth Circuit nominee Northern District of California Judge Lucy Koh, Southern District of New York Judge Denise Cote, and Northern District of California Judge James Donato), and Renata B. Hesse, the new head of the Antitrust Division of the United States Department ofJustice, as well as other interesting, informative speakers on matters of import to our practice. That evening we honor Paul Griffith of Winston & Strawn as our 2016 Antitrust Lawyer of the Year. Thank you to Niall Lynch of Latham & Watkins for chairing this year’s GSI and putting together another fantastic program.

Many thanks to our immediate past Chair Tom Dahdouh, Regional Director for the FTC’s Western Region, for his tireless efforts in virtually every facet of our Section’s activities, his vision to add privacy to the scope of our efforts, and for running our Executive Committee so successfully last year.

In closing, please join me in remembering Tom Rosch, who passed away March 30, 2016. Tom was one of the leading antitrust lawyers of his generation: Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition from 1973 to 1976; Chair of the ABA’s Antitrust Section in 1990; a Federal Trade Commissioner from 2006 to 2013; and lead counsel in more than 100 federal and state antitrust cases with the government, McCutcheon, Doyle and Latham & Watkins. He was also active in and a strong supporter of our Section as a former Chair, our 2003 Antitrust Lawyer of the Year, an Advisor for many years and most recently as a panelist at the 2013 Golden State Institute.

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